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If you are looking for ‘General English For All Competitive Exams’ then Sc Gupta is the name that you should be looking at. It has many detailed pages with information on general English for all competitive exams. The author of the book, Prof. S C Gupta, is a well-known Indian writer and educator who has authored many educational books, including this one. ‘General English For All Supplementary Competitive Examinations’ is an excellent publication for high school students or anyone interested in learning grammar rules in an easy manner. The book contains several grammar insights from the educational books of India. In this book, you can find some common mistakes that students commonly commit while writing an exam. In addition to that, the author also offers tips on how to avoid those errors and how to correct them as well. This will help students to perform better in an exam and score good marks. Here, you can learn new words and their meaning as well as new phrases and their uses in a sentence. The first two chapters of this book cover the use of articles in a sentence and all forms of ‘be’ verb tense. It also discusses irregular verbs along with their locations in a sentence. The book then moves on to the third section. Here, you will find detailed information about adjectives and idioms. It also discusses homophones, homographs, loanwords and their meanings as well as synonyms. The next chapter discusses the use of words that are often confused for each other. You can find out about their differences and similarities. There is also a chapter that provides advice on how to remember your English vocabulary. This tips will help you to memorize new words quickly so that you can write more efficiently in an exam round. The last two chapters of the book provide useful information regarding punctuation marks and capital letters in sentences along with sample sentences that contain each of the punctuation marks at proper places. Schedule A to S-1 of the Union Public Service Commission Rules, 2008, have the common objective of enhancing English skills among all applicants. The common criteria are based on Language Competency Test (LCT), Language Proficiency Test (LPT) or Language Proficiency Interview (LP). Each examination has its own uniqueness. Each year, there are different exams set up depending on the previous year’s exam pattern. The language used in this exam is English only. The total number of papers usually range from 40 to 50 papers with a time span of 1 day plus 15 hours time for each paper. Please go through the table of Common Objectives of S.P. Gupta’s General English for All Competitive Exam 2017. The following are the common objectives of this exam: This entrance examination is generally considered among the toughest competitive exams in India. Usually, candidates with good academic background are given a tryst to pass the entrance examination. Some students even go for extra coaching to prepare for this difficult exam. The overall target set by UPSC is to have maximum number of applicants joining as Civil Services of India, Indian Police Service, Indian Forest Service, Indian Revenue Service and Indian Foreign Service Examinations every year on first-come basis basis. cfa1e77820