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tafsiralqurtubiindonesiapdffree "Tafsiru" means salt in Persian, so "tafsiralqurtubiindonesiapdffree" would mean "the salt of all desires, good and bad." The site has learned about everything from the origins of life to the history of Islamic science. This is a website full of useful information that will save you countless hours of research or allow you to learn about topics that interest you more than what your school offers. tafsiralqurtubiindonesiapdffree The main idea behind this website is to make the world a better place. That's why we bring you some of the most interesting and useful information through blogs and video presentations. However, some of the content is aimed at Islamic Audiences and for this reason, we ask for your understanding. Allah commanded Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to be a teacher and a preacher, as well as to invite the people towards the right path. The Qur'an has stipulated these principles to be applied by all those who came after him, until doomsday. We started this website as a small project but we're hoping that it will grow and our mission will be fulfilled. We work hard to make sure that you receive the latest news regarding your favorite topics and learn useful information about everything from the origins of life to the history of Islamic science. We hope to make your journeys easier and your journey safe. We're trying to provide adequate information about Islam (Sunni) according to the main authentic sources, which are the Qur'an and Sunnah (the way of the prophet). The Muslim students are encouraged to apply their minds in order to reach logical conclusion regarding any subject. This website is not only about the Sunni sect, but also for all Muslims. Tafsiralqurtubiindonesiapdffree Tafsiralqurtubiindonesiapdffree Sunnah, Qur'an Tafsirs, Stories of the Prophets, Stories of the Companions https://tanzil. cfa1e77820